This year’s lineup of contestants following their incredible performances. photo courtesy of Colleen Jenssen
Fear of public speaking has nothing on the contestants of Poetry Out Loud (POL). The Arroyo Grande High School Poetry Out Loud competition occurred on January 31st, allowing students to express themselves through the words of their favorite poets and possibly be rewarded for their efforts.
POL is a national public speaking competition in which students present two poems chosen from the POL website. The goal of the presentation is to communicate the meaning of the poem creatively while following a list of simple guidelines. These guidelines include a strong physical presence, clear voice and articulation, interpretation, evidence of understanding, and essential movements.
This year’s group of nine contestants ranged from freshmen to seniors. Three judges assessed the competition. and several classes attended. The competition took place in the MPR. Most of these AGHS contestants were introduced to POL through speaking at a classroom level.
“I know we’ve got a good group out there this year,” POL coordinator Christian Holst said.
Several English teachers attended as judges and helped select the best student to send to the San Luis Obispo County competition to represent AGHS.
“Poetry is meant to be read out loud,” POL judge Amber Derbidge said. “Following the rubric, [we’re] looking for the understanding of the importance and meaning of the poem, as well as the technique that goes into communicating it.”
Many contestants chose poems that center on aspects of interest to them, or things they are passionate about. Others chose them based on the energy the poems bring to the table.

“I read a bunch of [poems] on the site,” second-place winner Marrissa Fugitt (‘25) said. “I chose my favorite by the vibe they give and what they make me feel.”
Understanding and conveying the poem of choice with true passion is one of the most important aspects of a POL performance.
“[The poem] just reminded me about how I feel about everyday life, [with] finding the joys in all the little things, and how it’s really easy to get discouraged,” winner Joss Robertson (’28) said, following her performance of “Meanwhile,” by Richard Siken.
With such a diverse group of students competing this year, observers got to witness both accomplished speakers, as well as some new and inspiring voices.
“I was just excited to communicate the underlying message of the poetry,” contestant Emery Cannon (‘28) said.
POL offers exemplary opportunities for students looking to expand their public speaking skills and try new things.
“It’s amazing to see such a young group competing and getting involved,” judge Ashley Kim said.
Whether one competes to get involved or to just have fun, POL offers a creative outlet for students to pursue.
“It’s a good opportunity to express yourself in ways you don’t normally get to,” contestant Molly Adams (‘25) said. “I like to choose poems that are very conversational, personable, direct, and easy to relate to.”
Many POL contestants aim to inspire others and express themselves through poetry.
“My goal is just to bring life to the words,” Robertson said. “Poetry has always been interesting to me, [and] the presentation is like a meaningful monologue.”

Robertson won the AGHS POL competition and continued to win gold in the San Luis Obispo County competition on Saturday, February 8th.
Robertson will go on to represent AGHS and SLO County in the California Poetry Out Loud State Finals in Sacramento on March 16th and 17th. She will compete against the other California County champions. The winner of the State Finals has the opportunity to compete in the national competition in Washington, D.C. for a prize of $20,000.
Participation in theatre helped prepare Roberston for this competition. AGHS teachers and peers are excited to see where she takes her skills and incredible performance next.
A wonderful job to all this year’s competitors, each one of them receiving an honorable mention or a place on the podium. Following this year’s incredible contest, AGHS is ready to see what next year’s Poetry Out Loud competition has in store.