The election for 3 of the 6 Lucia Mar School District (LMUSD) Board Trustee Areas 1, 3, and 4 is quickly approaching on Nov 5. I interviewed one candidate for each area. The interviews were done over email are presented verbatim. The interviews are with “Rebuild the Board” Candidate Paul Bischoff and incumbents Dee Santos and Vicki Meagher.

KN: Why is it you choose to run as a group of three candidates?
PB: There are 3 seats open, and we 3 guys found each other and agreed on a lot of issues, so we decided to run together. We obviously want all 3 of us to win. And the trustee area boundaries are anything but intuitive, so having one clearing house website where voters can find out in what area they live was an added bonus.
KN: The campaign is called “Rebuild the Board”, what about the current board do you believe needs to change?
PB: Our 2 main campaign points are parents’ rights and financial accountability. The current board leadership is lacking in both those areas in a big way. Parents don’t feel heard and are frustrated with the current board. The current board hasn’t asked even one question about any expenditure in at least 26 months and probably longer. The district spends about $3.5 million per month non-payroll, so to let 26 months go by without asking a single question is a grave dereliction of duty.
KN: Among the views listed on your website, a return to “teaching fundamentals” is mentioned. What educational practices do you intend to reinstate?
PB: With our parents’ rights emphasis, we’re interested in moving towards a politics-free teaching environment. All the controversial subjects of the day, be they right-wing or left-wing, will be left to a student’s parents to navigate. Our direction will be to stick to academic subjects with the precious time we’re allotted.
KN: Another item on this ballot is a bond H-24 which provides educational funding, what is your views on this bond?
PB: Our working families are stretched too thin as it is. Fuel & housing & food & insurance…you name it, everything is higher priced. The timing of this bond is awful…not to mention the board spent about $120,000 in commissioning a consultant to perform what they called a feasibility study (which as it turned out was a marketing campaign) promising that all they wanted to ascertain was if the bond would pass. Then when 2 iterations of polling failed (a higher $242 million bond was polled and only received 50% approval in their polling (55% is required for bond “success”), then the consultant regrouped and tried a lower $145 million bond in their polling, which only received 52% approval), the board voted to put the bond on the ballot anyway…not to mention nearly all the donors to the Yes on H-24 campaign are contractors and architects and engineers who stand to do the work the bond will enable. In a word, this bond is rotten from start to finish.
KN: The Rebuild the Board candidates are endorsed by the Republican Party SLOC who also endorse Donald Trump for the upcoming presidential election. The Trump/Vance Campaign website states that they hope to:
“Cut federal funding for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.”
What are your views on this reform?
PB: I’m very much in favor of making it difficult to teach children ideologies which divide and confuse us as a people. Critical Race Theory and other racial and sexual topics aren’t appropriate in a school classroom. We’re so much better together as Americans when we dwell on what unites us
KN: Another view of the Trump campaign is to
“Create a new credentialing body to certify teachers who embrace patriotic values, and understand that their job is not to indoctrinate children, but to educate them.“
What are your views on this reform?
PB: I would plead ignorance on this. I don’t know enough about it to weigh in, but generally speaking, I agree that it is the job of the public school system to educate children. I also acknowledge that indoctrination is in the eye of the beholder
KN: Another view of the Trump campaign is to
“Increase funding for schools in countries which, among other things, ‘Abolish teacher tenure for grades K through 12 and adopt Merit Pay’”
What are your views on this reform?
PB: Another one that I haven’t seen the details. I’m in favor of teacher protection through union bargaining, and I’m also in favor of rewarding teachers who do a better job than their co-workers
KN: How do you plan on addressing bullying and discrimination in our public school system?
PB: Every single kid deserves to have their educational experience free from bullying and abuse. We’ll start by backing up our teachers and principals in their discipline efforts. If we can make the experience better for nearly all students by removing one troubled student, we’ll do that. But we’ll also work to get that student the help he/she needs to navigate his/her difficulties. This is a complicated and nuanced subject
KN: Do you have anything you’d like to add?
PB: Not many parents we ask are happy with the current condition of the district. Our test scores are unacceptable. Yet the current board is proposing more of the same and full speed ahead. If you’re a voter and think everything is great, then voting for one of the incumbents is probably a good plan. If you think there’s a lot of room to improve, then voting for Paul Hively or Mike Fuller or Paul Bischoff to Rebuild the Board is the way to go!

KN: Why is it you choose to be a part of a school board?
VM: I care about schools, kids, and teachers. I want to continue in the role of Trustee because it has turned out to be such a rewarding way to give back to my District and the community. The position keeps me involved with learning TK-12.
KN: As a voter, why are you opposed to the “Rebuild the Board” campaign?
VM: I am opposed to my opponents’ campaign because they want to “go backward”. They do not express anything positive about our District. They do not appear to want to follow the laws of our state as they pertain to books, diversity, and curriculum.
KN: The rebuild the board candidates list a return to “teaching fundamentals” as a needed implementation. What educational practices do you believe to be most vital to 21st-century learning?
VM: We do need fundamentals, but vital to 21st-century learning is educational practices that also promote “soft” skills. Students need to be comfortable with teamwork; collaboration, cooperation, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and being self-directed. Our students need to be ready for situations that have not yet been invented.
KN: Another item on this ballot is bond H-24 which provides educational funding, what are your views on this bond?
VM: We need Bond Measure H to continue the work started under Bond Measure I 2016. Our schools are old. And the budget the District has does not allow the kinds of improvements we need. Many upgrades, remodeling, and new construction were started with Measure I. But many projects remain from that initial list of work. With Measure H we will be able to complete those projects.
KN: The Rebuild the Board candidates who are running against you are endorsed by the Republican Party SLOC who also endorse Donald Trump for the upcoming presidential election. The Trump/Vance Campaign website states that they hope to:
- “Cut federal funding for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.”
- “Create a new credentialing body to certify teachers who embrace patriotic values, and understand that their job is not to indoctrinate children, but to educate them.“
- “Increase funding for schools in countries which, among other things, ‘Abolish teacher tenure for grades K through 12 and adopt Merit Pay’”
What are your views on one or all of these reforms?
VM: The reforms proposed would not and can’t be addressed at the local school board level. These kinds of changes would need to come at the State or Federal level. I personally do not support any of these changes.
KN: How do you plan on addressing bullying and discrimination in our public school system?
VM: The issues of bullying and discrimination are always being addressed and will continue to be an area of concern. The education of staff and students is vital. But we can’t ever assume the problem is “fixed”. We can’t “look the other way”. I am always ready to listen to concerns and look for ways to make sure our students are welcomed and feel safe in our schools.
KN: Do you have anything you’d like to add?
VM: Lucia Mar is a great district. There are so many positive-strong leadership at the District level, great teachers and support staff throughout our schools, supportive parents, and community. We are always looking for ways to improve, whether in classroom curriculum or teaching strategies, extracurricular activities, academic courses, CTE pathways, and Visual and Performing Arts. I want very much to continue as the Trustee of Area 4 on the Lucia Mar USD Board to see this growth continue.

KN: Why is it you choose to be a part of a school board?
DS: I have always been a big supporter of the trades, our district has been very supportive of this project. As a board, we listen to the needs of students to make sure they get the best education possible and to be college-ready.
KN: As a voter, why are you opposed to the “Rebuild the Board” campaign?
DS: How can you rebuild something you have never been involved with or given you time?
KN: The rebuild the board candidates list a return to “teaching fundamentals” as a needed implementation. What educational practices do you believe to be most vital to 21st-century learning?
DS: I feel all teachers have been given the opportunity to invest in their careers of choice. They have the opportunity to further their careers.
KN: Another item on this ballot is bond H-24 which provides educational funding, what are your views on this bond?
DS: The bond I feel is necessary if you ever visit any sites you can see for yourself. If you own a home or even rent the repairs are never-ending
KN: The Rebuild the Board candidates who are running against you are endorsed by the Republican Party SLOC who also endorse Donald Trump for the upcoming presidential election. The Trump/Vance Campaign website states that they hope to:
- “Cut federal funding for any school or program pushing Critical Race Theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.”
- “Create a new credentialing body to certify teachers who embrace patriotic values, and understand that their job is not to indoctrinate children, but to educate them.“
- “Increase funding for schools in countries which, among other things, ‘Abolish teacher tenure for grades K through 12 and adopt Merit Pay’”
What are your views on one or all of these reforms?
DS: First and foremost I have no respect for a person who talks down anyone and everyone. I do not trust anyone who lies and denies it. I was raised with a saying: Tell me who you go with and I will tell you who you are. I believe everyone has a choice I don’t care who you are.
KN: How do you plan on addressing bullying and discrimination in our public school system?
DS: I feel by being who I am and being honest. Stand up to anyone and ask why not! I do like the word discrimination I don’t care who you are we came into this world with nothing it’s up to us to create the person we choose to be.
KN: Do you have anything you’d like to add?
DS: Don’t forget the trail you leave in this life it is up to you what you want to be remembered for.