As the 2024-25 basketball season ends, Arroyo Grande High School reflects on the impact of Coach Robiy, who was promoted from junior varsity to varsity head coach. After more than two decades of dedicated leadership, Coach Glanville’s remarkable coaching journey concludes. Stepping into the role, we now welcome the former AGHS JV Basketball coach Robiy Ellison
¨[Being asked to move up to coach varsity] was very overwhelming,” Ellison said.
Ellison gave his all this season and did well as the varsity head coach. After many games and even more practices, his players have grown beyond what’s on the scoreboard and turned the team into a family.
“My teammates are amazing, fun, and interesting,” player Iven Gonzales (26’) said. “I have grown my connection with them throughout the season.”

(Photo courtesy of Raphotos)
This season not only worked to bond the players but also Ellison’s connection with the team. This allows the team to have a stronger connection with their coach.
“Robiy has been my coach for two years now,” player Garrett Marin (26’) said. “I have gained a pretty good connection with him over the years.”
Although the new season and coaching style went smoothly, players are sad to move on from Coach Glanville’s legacy. He will forever be a great coach who dedicated many hours of his time to the sport, and boys who played.
“Well, that is always a difficult decision. I think all high school coaches really love what they do. But 25-26 years was quite a long time so it just seemed like the right time to do it,” Former AGHS varsity basketball coach Ryan Glanville said.
Upon his decision, Glanville considered many things. Throughout his seasons coaching many teams for AGHS, he has accomplished many things and learned lessons he will remember for the rest of his life.
“The more communication the better, the more opportunities to talk, communicate, and to be heard and to listen,” Glanville said.
Coach Ellison has proceeded to implement these values and plans to continue them in the future. Hoping to help the varsity team succeed every year he continues to coach AGHS’s varsity basketball team.