Brush strokes on a canvas and markers on paper—that’s what creates Art Club at AGHS. Many people express their thoughts and emotions through art. In Art Club, President Sophia Ferreira (‘26) strives to create a fun, welcoming, and accessible environment for members while also giving them time to express their creativity.

“I never had room [in my schedule] to take an art class, [and] I noticed that there was no art-dedicated club at our school,” Ferreira said. “I thought that it would be really nice to have a space where people could create art and get together during lunch if they’re not taking an art class.”
The club partakes in various activities, such as art competitions among club members. The club recently put together Valentine’s Day cards for the Pediatric Unit at Marian Regional Medical Center.
“Each card we did, we wrote a little happy Valentine’s Day note,” Charlie Klopfer (‘26) said. “And each of us would do a personalized drawing.”
To help with the club, Ferreira assigned Jazmin Valdez (‘26) as co-president of Art Club. Valdez hopes the club participates in more donation projects this year.
“[I liked] the cards because we did something similar in eighth grade for Sierra Vista Hospital,” Valdez said. “We didn’t do cards, we just donated stuff. I really like doing those projects where [Art Club] donates to hospitals or charities.”
Along with the Valentine’s cards, Ferreira has many projects planned for the club’s first year. However, conflicts, such as when to do these projects, have put them on hold.

“[Art Club] wanted to decorate the windows of the library, but it’s really complicated because a lot of people go to the library for lunch, so we’re not sure if we’re able to do that,” Ferreira said.
Art Club has no skill requirement, meaning anyone can join. The club also works as a way for students to express their creativity.
“It’s really an outlet for many students who might not have an art class in their schedule that still want an outlet,” Art Club Advisor Lauren Gable said. “[Art Club] gives people a chance to be in the artistic space.”
Art can take many forms, and Ferreira’s goal for Art Club is to give all students an opportunity to participate and express themselves through art.
“I like having time set aside for expressing creativity,” Ferreira said. “It’s a nice time for people to practice their skills [and] make friends with people who have similar interests.”
Art Club meets in room 930 on Mondays at lunch. With many projects to come, be sure to stop by at lunch and check out what the club has in store.