Carol of the Arts

Poster placed around campus to advertise the event, Courtesy of Jenna Draine

Dixon Smith, Sports Department Head

On Tuesday, December 6th, the AGHS Visual and Performing Arts department will be hosting a display of different artwork created by students this year.

Students attending can expect to see a large variety of different mediums that student artists have used to express themselves.

For example, drawing artwork will include pen artwork exploring lines, pencil drawings with shaded objects, and scratchboard artwork illustrating songs. 

As for painting-related projects, attendees can expect paintings of food, paintings in a cubist style, Keyhole paintings, and paintings made from coffee.

This event is an AGHS tradition tracing back 10 years as a way to come together as a Visual and Performing Arts department, highlighting all of the talented and hardworking student artists. 

What teachers and students alike enjoy about this event is the opportunity to showcase the talent and practiced skills of students.

“I have a student who is showcasing her paints, drawings, and performances in the Dance Company,” Jenna Draine, one of the many art teachers at AGHS, said about the display.

“Students love seeing their artwork up in a professional environment and sharing the outcome of their hard work with their friends and family.”

The budget for events like these differs from school to school. At AGHS the budget for each individual class averages to around $26 per student, per semester, for supplies. 

AGHS is fortunate to have the resources they do to enable students’s creativity.

“Each school in the district is different. Some elementary schools get art, if there is funding for it, and some middle schools have art classes or music classes if there are teachers for it,” Draine said. “Even the two high schools have different class offerings.” 

“We would love for it to be even and equal across all schools in the district, which is why showcasing the art students do at Carol of the Arts is so important because people see how powerful and integral art is to the growing minds of students as it helps them not only be expressive but build problem-solving skills and stamina, use higher level thinking and communicate in positive ways,” Draine said.

All of the funds from this event’s tickets go back to the Visual and Performing Arts Department to fund AGHS arts programs and renting out the Clark Center.

Overall, the experience and opportunity of this event is something that can inspire students to pursue and advance greater investments in their artistic and performing talents.