On the evening of Wednesday, April 10, the Arroyo Grande High School Theatre Company is bringing back their fall production of Lauren Gunderson’s “Silent Sky,” but this time on the Clark Center main stage.

Set in the early 1900s and based on the life of astronomer Henrietta Leavitt, the play details her life throughout her discovery of how to effectively measure the distance between stars, which ultimately revolutionized society’s understanding of the vastness of the universe.
This performance will prepare the actors and technicians for the International Thespian Festival (ITF) this June, where they’ll perform “Silent Sky” for over 4,000 Thespians. Performing at ITF is the highest honor in high school theatre, and only nine of the best shows perform each year at the festival.
“This show really is so beautiful, meaningful, empowering, and has a message everyone should see,” Joy Avant (‘25), who plays Annie Cannon, said. “We started [practicing] the second we heard we were going to ITF, and we’ve worked so hard for it to be the beautiful piece of art it is.”
All proceeds from this performance will go directly towards flights and registration fees for all students working on the show.
Tickets are available now either online or at the Clark Center box office. Seats are assigned, so buy your tickets soon to guarantee a good seat!