The laser machine hums as analytical minds buzz, designing the world’s future. Behind the scenes of this operation is Arroyo Grande High School’s new architecture and engineering teacher, Rachel Friedman.
“[I’m teaching] future inventors and designers the skills they would need in the future,” Friedman said.
Friedman, who received a bachelor’s degree in engineering and a master’s degree in water resources, found her passion for educating students while volunteering at schools while she worked as an engineer. Although this is her first year teaching architecture and engineering, she has 13 years of experience teaching science and special education.
“I love the staff and students at the school [AGHS], everybody is really friendly and supportive of each other,” Friedman said.
Friedman allows her students to be creative and test new ideas they have. She often pushes students to challenge themselves to learn and grow. Friedman hopes to update the STEM curriculum to fit current times and make her class more career-focused.
“[Mrs. Friedman] likes to find new things to try and takes a hands-on approach,” architecture aid Kinsie Colbourn (’25) said.
Friedman’s bubbly and kind nature brightens Arroyo Grande’s campus even on fog-filled days. Her positivity allows all students to feel included and capable during their learning process.
“She has a deep concern and care for her students,” science teacher James Colgan said.
Friedman’s compassion towards her students goes beyond the walls of her classroom.
“[Mrs. Friedman is] incredibly friendly. She shouted ‘hi’ to me from the other end of the campus when I encountered her last year,” Colgan said.
Outside of school, Friedman enjoys spending time outdoors, both in water and on land.
“I cycle a lot, both mountain and gravel, and I’m trying to learn how to surf,” Friedman said.
By encouraging students to take charge of their ideas, Friedman shapes Arroyo Grande High students into strong engineers, designers, and architects by empowering them to test their limits. Her positivity and kindness make AGHS an even happier campus.