Alvarez Hosts Student-Staff Soccer Tournament

Jose Alvarez

“The Hooligans” celebrating their big win

Counselor Jose Alvarez recently held a student and staff soccer tournament that started in November and ended in January. 

 Many staff and students participated, and all interested parties were welcome to join. This is the second year running for the tournament, with the games being held on the practice field during lunch. Teachers were open to entering, as well as faculty and administration, making student teams and faculty teams. Staff members Joanna Molina, Nick Talley, Cristel Penton, and others participated. 

Teams all chose their members and names and many showed up daily to play. 

Some students have been playing soccer for years, and some never had played before. All skill levels were welcome to join, and the diversity within the teams made for close competition. 

The field was open and utilized almost every day during lunch. Some days teams practiced, and sometimes they held games, culminating in the semi-finals and finals. 

Alvarez created an inclusive safe space for students to make new friends and have fun doing what they love, without the pressure of academic or recreational teams.

“I did it last year, and the students really seemed to enjoy it, so I decided to do it again,” said Alvarez.

This tournament didn’t happen overnight, although Alvarez intended for the tournament to last 2-3 weeks, it lasted months. Weather conditions were the main contributor to the delay, as the city of Arroyo Grande was drenched with over 12 inches of rain during this period. 

Although the tournament lasted much longer than Alvarez had planned, students consistently showed excitement and eagerness to create bonds and relationships with their peers and administrators through soccer. This Spring semester, Alvarez plans on doing a basketball tournament to switch it up. 

“I  want to do a basketball one next semester, the staff really wants to get involved, so I want to have a staff team…. I really want to bring everyone together,” Alvarez said.

The champions, “The Hooligans”, beat “Real Madrid”, 4-2, winning the tournament and taking home the trophy.