On April 28th, Arroyo Grande High School hosted a car show- where students were encouraged to showcase their, or their parents, cars, trucks, and bikes. The judging was split into six categories: “Classic/Vintage,” “Trucks,” “Soccer Mom,” “At Least I Have a Car,” “Overall Best,” and “Bikes/Dirt Bikes.”
Take a look at some of the highlights!
1967 Volkswagen Bug, Amelie Gurrero. “[My dad] bought it a couple of years ago… he’s really into cars. We have two bugs- this one is a green, 1967.” Category: Vintage/Classic. (Grace LeVeque)Category: Vintage/Classic. (Grace LeVeque)Category: Vintage/Classic. (Grace LeVeque)Category: Vintage/Classic. (Grace LeVeque)Category: Vintage/Classic. (Grace LeVeque)Category: Vintage/Classic. (Grace LeVeque)
“This is a Bearcat- which is used by the regional SWAT Team. It’s an armored vehicle that helps us do [things like] officer rescues, hostage rescues, and high-risk search warrants,” According to Officer Hogan, the AGHS Resource Officer. Category: Overall Best. (Grace LeVeque)“… A 1962 Ford Galaxy. It was a patrol car in the ’60s in Salt Lake City, Utah, and then it was also featured in the movie ‘The Fastest Indian,’ which is an Anthony Hopkins movie. Then we [the police department] acquired it, and we use it for shows,” said Officer Hogan. Catagory: Overall Best. (Grace LeVeque)
Catagory: Overall Best. (Grace LeVeque)Catagory: Overall Best. (Grace LeVeque)Mr. Stoddard, a teacher at AGHS, also entered his car into the show. “I have a 2016 Subaru WRX STI. I’ve made a few different modifications to it… It runs around 330 HP right now.” Catagory: Overall Best. (Grace LeVeque)Catagory: Trucks. (Grace LeVeque)Catagory: Dirt Bikes. (Grace LeVeque)Catagory: Dirt Bikes. (Grace LeVeque)
Congratulations to the winners from each category:
Classic/Vintage: Garret Lehman
Trucks: Octavio Ferreyra
“Soccer Mom”: Cruz Landers
“At Least I Have a Car”: Jacob Dawson
Overall Best: Steve Ortega
Bikes/Dirt Bikes: Ms. Devecchio
Grace LeVeque is a senior at Arroyo Grande High School, and she's ready for her second year in Newspaper. She loves listening to music, reading books,...