Community service is not just necessary for Arroyo Grande High School students to get their diplomas—it is essential for the community to thrive. Members of the Give Back 250 club go above and beyond, striving for 250 hours of community service. They receive a cord at graduation for their hard work.
Students find creative ways to reach their goal of 250 hours.
“We have people do Locks of Love, giving [time] to a lot of [nationally recognized] organizations,” club advisor Joe Hurtado said. “As long as [the organization] is qualified, we let [students use] it.”
250 hours of community service is a huge commitment, and not all students who attempt this goal reach it before graduation.
“What’s really hard is finding something that will give you not only a lot of hours but [is] also something that you like [doing],” club president Alena Rodriguez (‘26) said.
Rodriguez gravitates towards organizations where she can talk to others and help people.
“I [participated in] the YMCA club, which is getting to know people [and] building leadership potential. I’ve [volunteered at] the ECO SLO cleanups at the beach,” Rodriguez said. “I’ve [joined] the Link Crew club [at AGHS]. We help with the incoming new freshmen. I also volunteer at my church.”

Volunteering at multiple organizations is common for students trying to reach the minimum requirements. Still, students who achieve higher find that the best way to get a lot of hours is by finding one organization they are passionate about.
“I really found my momentum when I started doing GleanSLO,” club member Pema Secrest (‘25) said.
Some students start with the goal of reaching 250 hours. But others, like Secrest, join the club after stumbling upon the hours.
“I just accidentally had a lot more hours than I thought,” Secrest said.
All community service must come from a verified 501(c) nonprofit. As the club advisor, Hurtado calls each organization to verify the hours.
Many students join the club to receive the cord but stay for the fulfillment they experience from giving back to the community.