On October 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, and 19, the Arroyo Grande High School Theatre Company will perform “Museum” by Tina Howe. “Museum”, an often unusual comedy, takes place during the final day of a modern art exhibit featuring four blank canvases, an imaginary clothesline, and art pieces made of bits of bone and feathers. It follows a cast of unique and odd characters as they view the art pieces, being kept in line by the ever-present guard.
“I really like [the character] Michael Wall,” stage manager, Amy Cutrell said. “I like the matter-of-factness of the character.”
Tickets are $17, with discounts for senior citizens ($14), students/children ($12), and LMUSD faculty and staff ($7). They are available now in person at the Clark Center box office or online through their website: https://clarkcenter.org/shows/aghs-museum/