Get to Know ASB

Abby Holt (Nicole Pratt)

Abby Holt (‘23) is Arroyo Grande High School ASB (Associated Student Body) President. As president, she attends and speaks weekly at the board meetings as well as runs the weekly discussions of the ASB class. She is also president of the student senate and school site council. She is responsible for making sure everything runs smoothly. Her favorite memory from ASB was last year’s snow in the quad during Tis’ the Season Week and she is most excited for ASB to put on this year’s Prom.


Jenna Franco (Jackie Franco)

Jenna Franco (‘23) is ASB’s Link Crew Commissioner. As Link Crew Commissioner she helps organize Link Crew events as well as integrate new students into the school community. Her favorite memory from being a part of Leadership is putting on the Renaissance Fair and she is most excited about this year’s Greek Week.


Dominic Logoluso
Tiffany Hyun (Spike Thiesmeyer)


Dominic Logoluso (‘25) and Tiffany Hyun (‘25) are ASB’s At Large members. They help out other members within ASB with their jobs as needed, as well as telling jokes at their weekly discussions. Dominic’s favorite memory from ASB is helping crown the homecoming court during halftime at the homecoming football game. He is looking forward to the 2022 Winter Spectacular. Tiffany’s favorite part of ASB has been the ASB retreat and she is most excited for this year’s Tis’ The Season Week.

Lily Eckert (LK Photoshoots)

Lily Eckert (‘23) is ASB’s AIM Commissioner. As AIM Commissioner, she communicates with ASB about the events that AIM is putting on. AIM works to encourage and motivate students and staff through recognition and awards. Lily’s favorite memory from Leadership was the Secret Santa she did in AIM and she is looking forward to Greek Week because she loves seeing the whole school show off their class spirit.


Eliana Tabarez (Spike Thiesmeyer)

Eliana Tabarez (‘23) is the Special Events Commissioner. She works to plan spirit weeks, dances, and other events like the Winter Spectacular. Her favorite memories have been the ASB retreat, ASB bonfire 2021, and rally schedule days. She is most excited about this year’s Greek Week.